Jeff Will Move
Fairfax City Forward!
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The Issues
Keep Fairfax City Moving Forward

Fiscal Management
The Council will grapple with tough budgets! It will take experience and discipline to adopt budgets over the next few years to maintain the lowest tax rate consistent with sustaining our outstanding services.

Economic Development
We must continue to focus on a vibrant economic development program to continue providing outstanding services. Our strong economy permits us to have low tax rates. Continued redevelopment of the Fairfax Boulevard (Route 50) corridor will place the City in a strong position to continue providing those services and to be able to compete in the region.

Quality Education
We must continue to work with our School Board to provide the necessary funding and keep our four schools in outstanding condition. It is time again to look at renovating our elementary schools to ensure our facilities are ready to provide our students with meaningful and cutting-edge learning experiences. Equally important – we need to look at all school facilities, creating sustainability options to bring us into the future.

Dedicated regional transportation funding now available to the City will enable us to focus on projects and initiatives that will help manage traffic in our community and support our outstanding CUE bus service.

The City will continue to see redevelopment, but we have to be smart about what we want. I favor smart growth with the appropriate size and scale that meets the needs of the City and our residents. We must work with property owners to renovate and occupy vacant retail spaces throughout our community.